Want to use your art as a tool to raise awareness? And to appear on a MV? Here’s your chance!
*Call for Submission*
Not all heroes wear cape.
All front liners are our heroes, they all have an Invisible Cape. Malaysian Singer-songwriter Yo Zi 吴优子 has written a song dedicated to the front liners, and now, we need YOU to join us and complete the tribute MV together! Submission opens today until the 5th of June, 7pm (GMT+8).
How to join: 1. Create an illustration based on the title: “The Invisible Cape” (#隐形的披风) to say thank you to our front liners! 2. The received illustration will be featured in the music video. The name and Instagram handle of the illustrator will also be mentioned in the video and in the YouTube description. 3. Any genre (NO violent/sexual content) Any medium: pencil drawing, watercolour art, digital illustration... 4. Please choose a slogan for your illustration: a. Thank you The Invisible Cape! b. You have an Invisible Cape, you’re my hero. c. You are the super back up when the whole world blacked out. 5. Please send your PNG/JPEG file along with your name and Instagram handle to info@yozimusic.com, please put “The Invisible Cape_(your name)" in the subject line.
Looking forward to your illustrations! 💖
* 公 开 征 画 *
Not all heroes wear cape.
这次,我为为前线人员创作了一首歌曲,叫《隐形的披风》,而现在和 @dudukrumahartists 携手合作,诚邀大家一起来完成这首歌的MV,向前线人员致敬。 即日起至6月5日,7pm,欢迎大家参与 #隐形的披风 公开征画活动! 如何参与: 1.请以“隐形的披风”为题画画,向前线人员说一声谢谢! 2. 收到的作品将出现在MV中,并且在视频中以及YouTube 影片简介绍中附上创作者的Instagram账户名以及名字。 3.画风不拘(不涉及暴力色情),可以是素描/水彩画/电子绘画。 4. 欢迎大家在画中任选其中一句标语加入: A.谢谢你,隐形的披风! B.你有隐形的披风,You’re my hero。 C.当全世界突然Black out,你(们)就是点亮城市的超级Back Up。 5. 请将画好的PNG/JPEG文件,连同名字以及Instagram账号,发送电邮至info@yozimusic.com,并在标题注明 “隐形的披风投稿_(你的名字)" 期待收到你的投稿哦! . . . #callforsubmission #theinvisiblecape #公开征画 #隐形的披风 #大马日语女声 #创作歌手 #コラボ #插画活动 #绘画活动